



1. Energy Geopolitics

Energy geopolitics intersects international relations, politics, and history, emphasised by three key factors: the transformation in the energy sector with renewable energy and decarbonisation, the impact of climate change on energy infrastructure, and the role of geopolitics and energy trade in shaping international relations through assertive energy diplomacy. Energy policy links with international trade, national interests, security concerns, and geopolitics, where regional tensions complicate cooperation. Energy security ensures the uninterrupted availability of energy at affordable prices, addressing risks like cyber threats and supply interruptions. Energy diplomacy, involving complex international interactions, influences global energy security and economic stability. My research focuses on these areas to elucidate their impact on international relations and economic development.

2. International Security

International security research addresses a wide range of critical issues, including geopolitical conflicts, terrorism, cyber threats, and the protection of critical infrastructures. International terrorism involves acts of violence and intimidation by extremist groups with global agendas, targeting civilians and governments to advance their objectives. Cyber threats are another major concern, with cyberattacks on critical infrastructures like energy, finance, and logistics having potentially devastating impacts. The protection of critical infrastructures is essential to national security, ensuring the resilience and functionality of vital systems against both physical and cyber threats.

3. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

International diplomacy, the art and practice of conducting negotiations and maintaining relations between nations, is crucial for addressing global issues, promoting peace, and fostering cooperation on political, economic, and social matters. The role of embassies in foreign policy is vital for executing diplomatic strategies, facilitating communication, and representing national interests abroad. External coherence of foreign policy examines how a nation’s international actions align with its objectives and principles. Diplomatic norms guide the conduct of international relations, ensuring respectful and predictable interactions among states. These areas are essential components of the complex web of international diplomacy, shaping our interconnected world.

4. International Political Theory

International political theory examines the philosophical and theoretical foundations of international relations and global politics. My research focuses on the formation of norms in bilateral, minilateral, and multilateral interactions. In the bilateral setting, I explore how norms are negotiated between two states, addressing issues such as justice, sovereignty, and mutual agreements. In the minilateral context, I examine the creation of norms among small groups of states or actors, often addressing specific regional or thematic concerns. In the multilateral arena, I investigate how international norms are developed within larger frameworks, such as international organisations and global governance structures, guiding interactions between numerous states and actors.

The geographical scope of my research includes Eurasia, the Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East.

Ongoing Research Projects

    • Energy Security of Japan: Security and Geopolitical Implications of Japanese Hydrogen Strategy (individual project)
    • Challenges for Japan and South Korea in Seeking Energy Cooperation Amid Sino-Russian Partnership in Northeast Asia (individual project)
    • The Role of Sino–Russian Cooperation in the Northeast Asian Energy Regime (dissertation topic)
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